Cheat Sheet


# tensor aliases
rand(Vec{3})                        # vector
rand(Mat{2,3})                      # matrix
rand(SecondOrderTensor{3})          # 3x3 second-order tensor (this is the same as the Mat{3,3})
rand(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{3}) # 3x3 symmetric second-order tensor (3x3 symmetric matrix)
rand(FourthOrderTensor{3})          # 3x3x3x3 fourth-order tensor
rand(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # 3x3x3x3 symmetric fourth-order tensor

# identity tensors
one(SecondOrderTensor{3,3})        # second-order identity tensor
one(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{3}) # symmetric second-order identity tensor
one(FourthOrderTensor{3})          # fourth-order identity tensor
one(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # symmetric fourth-order identity tensor (symmetrizing tensor)

# zero tensors
zero(Mat{2,3}) == zeros(2,3)
zero(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{3}) == zeros(3,3)

# random tensors

# from arrays
Mat{2,2}([1 2; 3 4]) == [1 2; 3 4]
SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{2}([1 2; 3 4]) == [1 3; 3 4] # lower triangular part is used

# from functions
Mat{2,2}((i,j) -> i == j ? 1 : 0) == one(Mat{2,2})
SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{2}((i,j) -> i == j ? 1 : 0) == one(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{2})

# macros (same interface as StaticArrays.jl)
@Vec [1,2,3]
@Vec rand(4)
@Mat [1 2
      3 4]
@Mat rand(4,4)
@Tensor rand(2,2,2)

# statically sized getindex by `@Tensor`
x = @Mat [1 2
          3 4
          5 6]
@Tensor(x[2:3, :])   === @Mat [3 4
                               5 6]
@Tensor(x[[1,3], :]) === @Mat [1 2
                               5 6]

Tensor Operations

# 2nd-order vs. 2nd-order
x = rand(Mat{2,2})
y = rand(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{2})
x ⊗ y isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2,@Symmetry{2,2}}} # tensor product
x ⋅ y isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}                # single contraction (x_ij * y_jk)
x ⊡ y isa Real                              # double contraction (x_ij * y_ij)

# 3rd-order vs. 1st-order
A = rand(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2},2}})
v = rand(Vec{2})
A ⊗ v isa Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2},2,2}} # A_ijk * v_l
A ⋅ v isa Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}}     # A_ijk * v_k
A ⊡ v # error

# 4th-order vs. 2nd-order
II = one(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{2}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}, @Symmetry{2,2}}})
A = rand(Mat{2,2})
S = rand(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{2})
II ⊡ A == (A + A') / 2 == symmetric(A) # symmetrizing A, resulting in Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{2,2}}}
II ⊡ S == S

# contraction
x = rand(Tensor{Tuple{2,2,2}})
y = rand(Tensor{Tuple{2,@Symmetry{2,2}}})
contraction(x, y, Val(1)) isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2, @Symmetry{2,2}}}     # single contraction (== ⋅)
contraction(x, y, Val(2)) isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2}}                     # double contraction (== ⊡)
contraction(x, y, Val(3)) isa Real                                   # triple contraction (x_ijk * y_ijk)
contraction(x, y, Val(0)) isa Tensor{Tuple{2,2,2,2, @Symmetry{2,2}}} # tensor product (== ⊗)

# norm/tr/mean/vol/dev
x = rand(SecondOrderTensor{3}) # equal to rand(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})
v = rand(Vec{3})
mean(x) == tr(x) / 3 # useful for computing mean stress
vol(x) + dev(x) == x # decomposition into volumetric part and deviatoric part

# det/inv for 2nd-order tensor
A = rand(SecondOrderTensor{3})          # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3}})
S = rand(SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{3}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}}})
det(A); det(S)
inv(A) ⋅ A ≈ one(A)
inv(S) ⋅ S ≈ one(S)

# inv for 4th-order tensor
AA = rand(FourthOrderTensor{3})          # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{3,3,3,3}})
SS = rand(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # equal to one(Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{3,3}, @Symmetry{3,3}}})
inv(AA) ⊡ AA ≈ one(AA)
inv(SS) ⊡ SS ≈ one(SS)

# Einstein summation convention
A = rand(Mat{3,3})
B = rand(Mat{3,3})
(@einsum (i,j) -> A[i,k] * B[k,j]) == A ⋅ B
(@einsum A[i,j] * B[i,j]) == A ⊡ B

Automatic differentiation

# Real -> Real
gradient(x -> 2x^2 + x + 3, 3) == (x = 3; 4x + 1)
gradient(x -> 2.0, 3) == 0.0

# Real -> Tensor
gradient(x -> Mat{2,2}((i,j) -> i*x^2), 3) == (x = 3; Mat{2,2}((i,j) -> 2i*x))
gradient(x -> one(Mat{2,2}), 3) == zero(Mat{2,2})

# Tensor -> Real
gradient(tr, rand(Mat{3,3})) == one(Mat{3,3})

# Tensor -> Tensor
A = rand(Mat{3,3})
D  = gradient(dev, A)            # deviatoric projection tensor
Ds = gradient(dev, symmetric(A)) # symmetric deviatoric projection tensor
A ⊡ D  ≈ dev(A)
A ⊡ Ds ≈ symmetric(dev(A))
gradient(identity, A) == one(FourthOrderTensor{3})                     # 4th-order identity tensor
gradient(identity, symmetric(A)) == one(SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{3}) # symmetric 4th-order identity tensor


const Vec{dim, T} = Tensor{Tuple{dim}, T, 1, dim}
const Mat{m, n, T, L} = Tensor{Tuple{m, n}, T, 2, L}
const SecondOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{NTuple{2, dim}, T, 2, L}
const FourthOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{NTuple{4, dim}, T, 4, L}
const SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{Tuple{@Symmetry{dim, dim}}, T, 2, L}
const SymmetricFourthOrderTensor{dim, T, L} = Tensor{NTuple{2, @Symmetry{dim, dim}}, T, 4, L}