Transfer between grid and particles
Transfer macros
— Macro@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip [space] begin
Particle-to-grid transfer macro. Based on the parent => index
expressions, a[index]
in equations
translates to parent.a[index]
. This index
can be replaced with any other name.
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
# Particle-to-grid transfer
m[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p]
mv[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p] * v[p]
f[i] = @∑ -V[p] * σ[p] ⋅ ∇w[ip]
# Calculation on grid
vⁿ[i] = mv[i] / m[i]
v[i] = vⁿ[i] + (f[i] / m[i]) * Δt
This expands to roughly the following code:
# Reset grid properties
@. grid.m = zero(grid.m)
@. = zero(
@. grid.f = zero(grid.f)
# Particle-to-grid transfer
for p in eachindex(particles)
mp = mpvalues[p]
nodeindices = neighboringnodes(mp)
for ip in eachindex(nodeindices)
i = nodeindices[ip]
grid.m [i] += mp.w[ip] * particles.m[p][i] += mp.w[ip] * particles.m[p] * particles.v[p][i] += -particles.V[p] * particles.σ[p] ⋅ mp.∇w[ip]
# Calculation on grid
@. grid.vⁿ = / grid.m
@. grid.v = grid.vⁿ + (grid.f / grid.m) * Δt
In @P2G
, Calculation on grid
part must be placed after Particle-to-grid transfer
— Macro@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
Grid-to-particle transfer macro. Based on the parent => index
expressions, a[index]
in equations
translates to parent.a[index]
. This index
can be replaced with any other name.
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
# Grid-to-particle transfer
v[p] += @∑ w[ip] * (vⁿ[i] - v[i])
∇v[p] = @∑ v[i] ⊗ ∇w[ip]
x[p] += @∑ w[ip] * v[i] * Δt
# Calculation on particle
Δϵₚ = symmetric(∇v[p]) * Δt
F[p] = (I + ∇v[p]*Δt) ⋅ F[p]
V[p] = V⁰[p] * det(F[p])
σ[p] += λ*tr(Δϵₚ)*I + 2μ*Δϵₚ # Linear elastic material
This expands to roughly the following code:
# Grid-to-particle transfer
for p in eachindex(particles)
mp = mpvalues[p]
nodeindices = neighboringnodes(mp)
Δvₚ = zero(eltype(particles.v))
∇vₚ = zero(eltype(particles.∇v))
Δxₚ = zero(eltype(particles.x))
for ip in eachindex(nodeindices)
i = nodeindices[ip]
Δvₚ += mp.w[ip] * (grid.vⁿ[i] - grid.v[i])
∇vₚ += grid.v[i] ⊗ mp.∇w[ip]
Δxₚ += mp.w[ip] * grid.v[i] * Δt
particles.v[p] += Δvₚ
particles.∇v[p] = ∇vₚ
particles.x[p] += Δxₚ
# Calculation on particle
for p in eachindex(particles)
Δϵₚ = symmetric(particles.∇v[p]) * Δt
particles.F[p] = (I + particles.∇v[p]*Δt) ⋅ particles.F[p]
particles.V[p] = particles.V⁰[p] * det(particles.F[p])
particles.σ[p] += λ*tr(Δϵₚ)*I + 2μ*Δϵₚ # Linear elastic material
In @G2P
, Calculation on particles
part must be placed after Grid-to-particle transfer
Code snippets
The following snippets are demonstrated in the tutorial Transfer schemes.
In this section, the following transfer schemes are presented:
We assume that the grid and particle properties have following variables:
GridProp = @NamedTuple begin
x :: Vec{2, Float64} # Position
m :: Float64 # Mass
mv :: Vec{2, Float64} # Momentum
v :: Vec{2, Float64} # Velocity
vⁿ :: Vec{2, Float64} # Velocity at t = tⁿ
vᵣ★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
v★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
ParticleProp = @NamedTuple begin
x :: Vec{2, Float64} # Position
m :: Float64 # Mass
V⁰ :: Float64 # Initial volume
V :: Float64 # Volume
v :: Vec{2, Float64} # Velocity
∇v :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4} # Velocity gradient
σ :: SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 3} # Cauchy stress
F :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4} # Deformation gradient
B :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
vᵣ★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
a★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
PIC–FLIP mixed transfer
\[\begin{aligned} m^n\bm{v}_i^n &= \sum_p w_{ip}^n m_p \bm{v}_p^n \\ \bm{v}_p^{n+1} &= \sum_i w_{ip}^n \left( (1-\alpha)\bm{v}_i^{n+1} + \alpha (\bm{v}_p^n + (\bm{v}_i^{n+1} - \bm{v}_i^n) \right)) \\ \end{aligned}\]
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
mv[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p] * v[p]
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
v[p] = @∑ w[ip] * ((1-α)*v[i] + α*(v[p] + (v[i]-vⁿ[i])))
Affine PIC (APIC)
\[\begin{aligned} m^n\bm{v}_i^n &= \sum_p w_{ip}^n m_p \left(\bm{v}_p^n + \bm{B}_p^n (\bm{D}_p^n)^{-1} (\bm{x}_i^n - \bm{x}_p^n) \right) \\ \bm{v}_p^{n+1} &= \sum_i w_{ip}^n \bm{v}_i^{n+1} \\ \bm{B}_p^{n+1} &= \sum_i w_{ip}^n \bm{v}_i^{n+1} \otimes (\bm{x}_i^n - \bm{x}_p^n) \end{aligned}\]
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
mv[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p] * (v[p] + B[p] * Dₚ⁻¹ * (x[i] - x[p]))
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
v[p] = @∑ w[ip] * v[i]
B[p] = @∑ w[ip] * v[i] ⊗ (x[i] - x[p])
where Dₚ
should be defined as Dₚ⁻¹ = inv(1/4 * h^2 * I)
for BSpline(Quadratic())
(see the tutorial Transfer schemes).
Taylor PIC (TPIC)
\[\begin{aligned} m^n\bm{v}_i^n &= \sum_p w_{ip}^n m_p \left(\bm{v}_p^n + \nabla\bm{v}_p^n (\bm{x}_i^n - \bm{x}_p^n) \right) \\ \bm{v}_p^{n+1} &= \sum_i w_{ip}^n \bm{v}_i^{n+1} \\ \nabla\bm{v}_p^{n+1} &= \sum_i \bm{v}_i^{n+1} \otimes \nabla w_{ip}^n \\ \end{aligned}\]
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
mv[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p] * (v[p] + ∇v[p] * (x[i] - x[p]))
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
v[p] = @∑ w[ip] * v[i]
∇v[p] = @∑ w[ip] * v[i] ⊗ (x[i] - x[p])
eXtended PIC (XPIC)
In this section, we follow the notations in the original paper[4].
Overview of XPIC
We assume that $\bm{\mathsf{S}}^+$ matrix maps particle velocities to the grid and $\bm{\mathsf{S}}$ matrix maps them back. In XPIC, a new effective acceleration for particles, $\mathbb{A}$, is employed to update the particle velocity $\bm{V}$ and position $\bm{X}$, respectively, as
\[\begin{aligned} \bm{V}^{(k+1)} &= \bm{V}^{(k)} + \mathbb{A}^{(k)} \Delta{t} \\ \bm{X}^{(k+1)} &= \bm{X}^{(k)} + \bm{\mathsf{S}} \bm{v}^{(k+)} \Delta{t} + \left( \frac{1}{2} \mathbb{A}^{(k)} - \bm{\mathsf{S}}\bm{a}^{(k)} \right) (\Delta{t})^2 \end{aligned}\]
where $\bm{v}^{(k+)}$ is the updated grid velocity:
\[\bm{v}^{(k+)} = \bm{v}^{(k)} + \bm{a}^{(k)} \Delta{t}\]
The effective acceleration $\mathbb{A}$ is represented in XPIC as follows:
\[\mathbb{A}^{(k)} \Delta{t} = (1-m) \bm{\mathsf{S}}\bm{a}^{(k)}\Delta{t} - \bm{V}^{(k)} + m\bm{\mathsf{S}}\bm{v}^{(k+)} - m\bm{\mathsf{S}}\bm{v}^{*}\]
\[\bm{v}^* = \sum_r^m (-1)^r \bm{v}_r^*\]
This new $\bm{v}_r^*$ term, which is unique to XPIC($m$) with $m>1$, can be evaluated by recursion:
\[\bm{v}_r^* = \frac{m-r+1}{r} \bm{\mathsf{S}}^+ \bm{\mathsf{S}} \bm{v}_{r-1}^*\]
starting with $\bm{v}_1^*=\bm{v}^{(k)}$.
Implementation using Tesserae
Based on the above equations, we can derive the following:
\[\begin{aligned} \bm{V}^{(k+1)} &= \bm{V}^{(k)} + \bm{\mathsf{S}}\left(\bm{v}^{(k+)}-\bm{v}^{(k)}\right) - \bm{A}^* \Delta{t} \\ \bm{X}^{(k+1)} &= \bm{X}^{(k)} + \frac{1}{2} \bm{\mathsf{S}} \left(\bm{v}^{(k+)} + \bm{v}^{(k)}\right) \Delta{t} - \frac{1}{2} \bm{A}^* (\Delta{t})^2 \end{aligned}\]
\[\bm{A}^* \Delta{t} = \bm{V}^{(k)} + m \bm{\mathsf{S}} \left( \bm{v}^* - \bm{v}^{(k)} \right)\]
# Set the initial values for the recursion:
@. grid.vᵣ★ = grid.vⁿ
@. grid.v★ = zero(grid.v★)
# The recursion process to calculate `v★`
for r in 2:m
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
vᵣ★[p] = @∑ w[ip] * vᵣ★[i]
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
vᵣ★[i] = @∑ (m-r+1)/r * w[ip] * m[p] * vᵣ★[p] / m[i]
v★[i] += (-1)^r * vᵣ★[i]
# Grid-to-particle transfer in XPIC
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
v[p] += @∑ w[ip] * (v[i] - vⁿ[i]) # same as FLIP
x[p] += @∑ w[ip] * (v[i] + vⁿ[i]) * Δt / 2
a★[p] = @∑ w[ip] * (v[p] + m*(v★[i] - vⁿ[i])) / Δt
v[p] -= a★[p] * Δt
x[p] -= a★[p] * Δt^2 / 2
where a★
represents $\bm{A}^*$.
- 1Stomakhin, A., Schroeder, C., Chai, L., Teran, J. and Selle, A., 2013. A material point method for snow simulation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 32(4), pp.1-10.
- 2Jiang, C., Schroeder, C., Selle, A., Teran, J. and Stomakhin, A., 2015. The affine particle-in-cell method. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), pp.1-10.
- 3Nakamura, K., Matsumura, S. and Mizutani, T., 2023. Taylor particle-in-cell transfer and kernel correction for material point method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 403, p.115720.
- 4Hammerquist, C.C. and Nairn, J.A., 2017. A new method for material point method particle updates that reduces noise and enhances stability. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 318, pp.724-738.