Transfer schemes
# Particles | # Iterations | Execution time |
17k | 2.9k | 10 sec |
In this example, the following velocity transfer schemes are demonstrated:
It is also recommended to refer to the manual Transfer between grid and particles.
The problem involves the collision between two elastic rings, which is consistent with previous study[5].
using Tesserae
struct FLIP α::Float64 end
struct APIC end
struct TPIC end
struct XPIC m::Int end
function main(transfer = FLIP(1.0))
# Simulation parameters
h = 0.1 # Grid spacing
T = 0.6 # Time span
CFL = 0.8 # Courant number
# Material constants
E = 100e6 # Young's modulus
ν = 0.2 # Poisson's ratio
λ = (E*ν) / ((1+ν)*(1-2ν)) # Lame's first parameter
μ = E / 2(1 + ν) # Shear modulus
ρ⁰ = 1e3 # Initial density
# Geometry
L = 20.0 # Length of domain
W = 15.0 # Width of domain
rᵢ = 3.0 # Inner radius of rings
rₒ = 4.0 # Outer radius of rings
GridProp = @NamedTuple begin
x :: Vec{2, Float64}
m :: Float64
m⁻¹ :: Float64
mv :: Vec{2, Float64}
f :: Vec{2, Float64}
v :: Vec{2, Float64}
vⁿ :: Vec{2, Float64}
vᵣ★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
v★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
ParticleProp = @NamedTuple begin
x :: Vec{2, Float64}
m :: Float64
V⁰ :: Float64
V :: Float64
v :: Vec{2, Float64}
∇v :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
σ :: SymmetricSecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 3}
F :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
B :: SecondOrderTensor{2, Float64, 4}
vᵣ★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
a★ :: Vec{2, Float64}
# Background grid
grid = generate_grid(GridProp, CartesianMesh(h, (-L,L), (-W/2,W/2)))
# Particles
particles = let
pts = generate_particles(ParticleProp, grid.x)
pts.V .= pts.V⁰ .= volume(grid.x) / length(pts)
lhs = findall(pts.x) do (x, y)
rᵢ^2 < (x+L/4)^2+y^2 < rₒ^2
rhs = findall(pts.x) do (x, y)
rᵢ^2 < (x-L/4)^2+y^2 < rₒ^2
# Set initial velocities
@. pts.v[lhs] = Vec(30, 0)
@. pts.v[rhs] = -Vec(30, 0)
pts[[lhs; rhs]]
@. particles.m = ρ⁰ * particles.V⁰
@. particles.F = one(particles.F)
@show length(particles)
# Interpolation
mpvalues = generate_mpvalues(BSpline(Quadratic()), grid.x, length(particles))
# Material model (neo-Hookean)
function stored_energy(C)
dim = size(C, 1)
lnJ = log(√det(C))
μ/2*(tr(C)-dim) - μ*lnJ + λ/2*lnJ^2
function cauchy_stress(F)
J = det(F)
S = 2 * gradient(stored_energy, symmetric(F'F))
@einsum typeof(S) σ[i,j] := inv(J) * F[i,k] * S[k,l] * F[j,l]
# Outputs
outdir = mkpath(joinpath("output", "collision"))
pvdfile = joinpath(outdir, "paraview")
closepvd(openpvd(pvdfile)) # Create file
t = 0.0
step = 0
fps = 120
savepoints = collect(LinRange(t, T, round(Int, T*fps)+1))
Tesserae.@showprogress while t < T
# Calculate time step based on the wave speed
vmax = maximum(@. sqrt((λ+2μ) / (particles.m/particles.V)) + norm(particles.v))
Δt = CFL * h / vmax
# Update interpolation values
for p in eachindex(particles, mpvalues)
update!(mpvalues[p], particles.x[p], grid.x)
# Particle-to-grid transfer
if transfer isa Union{FLIP, XPIC}
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
m[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p]
mv[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p] * v[p]
f[i] = @∑ -V[p] * σ[p] * ∇w[ip]
elseif transfer isa APIC
Dₚ⁻¹ = inv(1/4 * h^2 * I)
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
m[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p]
mv[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p] * (v[p] + B[p] * Dₚ⁻¹ * (x[i] - x[p]))
f[i] = @∑ -V[p] * σ[p] * ∇w[ip]
elseif transfer isa TPIC
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
m[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p]
mv[i] = @∑ w[ip] * m[p] * (v[p] + ∇v[p] * (x[i] - x[p]))
f[i] = @∑ -V[p] * σ[p] * ∇w[ip]
# Update grid velocity
@. grid.m⁻¹ = inv(grid.m) * !iszero(grid.m)
@. grid.vⁿ = * grid.m⁻¹
@. grid.v = grid.vⁿ + (grid.f * grid.m⁻¹) * Δt
# Grid-to-particle transfer
if transfer isa FLIP
α = transfer.α
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
v[p] = @∑ w[ip] * ((1-α)*v[i] + α*(v[p] + (v[i]-vⁿ[i])))
∇v[p] = @∑ v[i] ⊗ ∇w[ip]
x[p] += @∑ w[ip] * v[i] * Δt
elseif transfer isa APIC
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
v[p] = @∑ w[ip] * v[i]
∇v[p] = @∑ v[i] ⊗ ∇w[ip]
B[p] = @∑ w[ip] * v[i] ⊗ (x[i] - x[p])
x[p] += v[p] * Δt
elseif transfer isa TPIC
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
v[p] = @∑ w[ip] * v[i]
∇v[p] = @∑ v[i] ⊗ ∇w[ip]
x[p] += v[p] * Δt
elseif transfer isa XPIC
m = transfer.m
@. grid.vᵣ★ = grid.vⁿ
@. grid.v★ = zero(grid.v★)
for r in 2:m
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
vᵣ★[p] = @∑ w[ip] * vᵣ★[i]
@P2G grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
vᵣ★[i] = @∑ (m-r+1)/r * w[ip] * m[p] * vᵣ★[p] * m⁻¹[i]
v★[i] += (-1)^r * vᵣ★[i]
@G2P grid=>i particles=>p mpvalues=>ip begin
∇v[p] = @∑ v[i] ⊗ ∇w[ip]
a★[p] = @∑ w[ip] * (v[p] + m*(v★[i] - vⁿ[i])) / Δt
v[p] += @∑ w[ip] * (v[i] - vⁿ[i])
x[p] += @∑ w[ip] * (v[i] + vⁿ[i]) * Δt / 2
v[p] -= a★[p] * Δt
x[p] -= a★[p] * Δt^2 / 2
# Update other particle properties
for p in eachindex(particles)
∇uₚ = particles.∇v[p] * Δt
Fₚ = (I + ∇uₚ) * particles.F[p]
σₚ = cauchy_stress(Fₚ)
particles.σ[p] = σₚ
particles.F[p] = Fₚ
particles.V[p] = det(Fₚ) * particles.V⁰[p]
t += Δt
step += 1
if t > first(savepoints)
openpvd(pvdfile; append=true) do pvd
openvtm(string(pvdfile, step)) do vtm
function stress3x3(F)
z = zero(Vec{2})
F3x3 = [F z
z' 1]
openvtk(vtm, particles.x) do vtk
vtk["Velocity (m/s)"] = particles.v
vtk["von Mises stress (MPa)"] = @. 1e-6 * vonmises(stress3x3(particles.F))
openvtk(vtm, grid.x) do vtk
vtk["Velocity (m/s)"] = grid.v
pvd[t] = vtm
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- 1Stomakhin, A., Schroeder, C., Chai, L., Teran, J. and Selle, A., 2013. A material point method for snow simulation. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 32(4), pp.1-10.
- 2Jiang, C., Schroeder, C., Selle, A., Teran, J. and Stomakhin, A., 2015. The affine particle-in-cell method. ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 34(4), pp.1-10.
- 3Nakamura, K., Matsumura, S. and Mizutani, T., 2023. Taylor particle-in-cell transfer and kernel correction for material point method. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 403, p.115720.
- 4Hammerquist, C.C. and Nairn, J.A., 2017. A new method for material point method particle updates that reduces noise and enhances stability. Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 318, pp.724-738.
- 5Li, X., Fang, Y., Li, M. and Jiang, C., 2022. BFEMP: Interpenetration-free MPM–FEM coupling with barrier contact. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 390, p.114350.